Some criteria of achievement, such as complex thinking and contextually-sensitive performance, canno...
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You can now set the default video quality seen by your users by selecting the resolution. Having a h...
According to a study made by the Distance Education Research and Application Center, Karadeniz Techn...
“Don’t judge a book by its cover” is a very common phrase but none really follows it. Books rarely s...
Instructional Design is all about planning out proper instructions in order to achieve effective lea...
Don’t you wish there was an easier way to create your eLearning website? From coming up with website...
Authoring tools are the key to video lessons creation. A video could be animation or a screencast or...
Are you browsing through the IIM’s website more than your Facebook news feed nowadays? Then you woul...
Learnyst helps you start teaching online by building your e-learning school in just three simple ste...