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Learnyst support to all the educators to overcome COVID-19

  • March 16 2020
  • Vaishak

Due to the recent global concerns, every one of us has been hearing a lot of news about COVID-19 and most of which are not good. We hear about people are not being able to go out because of COVID-19 and which is as a result in everyday businesses are affected severely.

How Learnyst Supports Educators in Overcoming COVID-19 Challenges

Offices are stalling their work and every day if someone or the other is tested positive for the virus. It seems as if the entire world is in total chaos. Therefore, we thought to give you different news. Which is:

Our educators to not worry about any interruption of our services.

Learnyst support to educators

So amid this noise, we wanted to voice out our plans to keep your business running without any hiccups. 

We want you to know that being a digital product, Learnyst is not majorly affected by the current situation. As a team, we continue to run normal business hours. People in our area resume their activities as usual. 

Our servers will be up 99.99% up all the time and payment gateway partners are also fully operational. So, you will still receive 100% of your payments without any delay. 

We will continue to support you and resume our normal business operations. 

In case of any issues, our reliable support is just a click or a call away.

Learnyst support to offline educators

We are offering our platform to offline Educators and teachers who have stopped their teaching due to COVID-19. This is to help them reach out to students who are the ones most affected in this situation.

Keeping everyone’s safety in mind, we are lending our support to all the teachers and students. We are providing Learnyst monthly subscription with a 50% discounted price till the end of March 2020. 

We want all the educators to continue teaching through online media. Don’t stop teaching over COVID-19. Continue teaching online and make sure your students don’t miss out on anything for their exams.

As a company, we commit to taking positive action during this time of crisis. We are by your side always. And we will continue to keep you updated as the situation evolves. 

Till such a time we request you to follow these guidelines from WHO and stay safe from this virus scare.

Wishing you safe days ahead.  

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