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Top 3 Online Teaching Resolutions To Make

  • December 17 2015
  • Ranjan

Here I give you, all new Online Teaching Resolution Ideas.

It was Christmas season and having New Year ahead, we were all very excited and murmured among ourselves in class. Our English language teacher wrote on the clean blackboard, in big block letters, “CHRISTMAS“. She started to talk,

CHRISTMAS!  THE FESTIVAL OF WISHES, GIFTS AND CAKES. This morning, I went to buy grocery to a super market, where I saw so many good things displayed to decorate the Christmas tree. They were all so beautiful and tempting!. Those bells, golden ribbons, glittering balls, small candy sticks, Santa caps, all looked fantastic. I brought 5 kilos of rice and 2 coconuts. I forgot to take the change from the shop keeper. My bike parked outside suddenly had a flat tire and so took an Auto Rickshaw and directly came to school !

She paused. The whole class was quiet, looking deep in her eyes trying to get a hold of what she was actually trying to say.

Then came the question “So, who can answer my question? What was the color of the Auto Rickshaw that I took?”


Auto Rickshaws in my city had a common color of black and yellow, so the color was not the point of confusion. None of us wanted to answer her question because her story had so many irrelevant twists that really puzzled us. Failing to figure out the intent of her question, we all kept quiet.

Breaking her riddle after a few seconds, she said

Now that I have all your attention let us begin with our lesson for today – THE COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCES…

Her Master Stroke 🙂

The story was just to tell you how different your strategy could get, to engage your students.

Best Online Teaching Resolutions you can keep would be…

Bring in student engagement with stories, anecdotes or case studies.

How did you think that my teacher initiated her strategy first? It was by starting a story about Christmas. That was her first step to involve us in her conversation. It’s a scientifically proven fact that the human brain is better tuned to understand concepts that are explained pictorially or by weaving stories around them than reading the mere text.

Learnyst helps you create great online courses with videos, slides or blog lessons. You can add case studies in HTML or pdf format.

Also, our discussion forum is tightly integrated into your lessons. Students can ask questions on a lesson at a particular time instance.  All the information is captured for you including lesson and video time instance. You can answer your student questions and involve them in interactive learning.

Use question, question, hammer technique

The second step of her strategy was to ask a question. A Question that made us all think and reiterate her entire story in our mind in search of an answer. Getting your audience involved and thinking are two good methods of getting their attention. Try asking a couple of obvious questions that almost everyone in the audience will relate to. But to make them involved in the topic deeply you might have to get more curious like my teacher 🙂 which is called “the hammer”. It directly hit us in the right place and made us really think a lot. Not only we started to think but we got curious to know what the answer could really be.

That’s how the audience is intrigued, and now you just got everyone thinking and relating to your topic.

In Learnyst, for hammering the concept into a student’s mind, you can add quizzes in your lessons. You can add a quiz before the start of the lesson or after the lesson or even in the middle of it. An added benefit you will know how exactly your students are performing.

Have a visual demonstration

The last technique that my teacher used was the introduction of an Auto rickshaw in the story. When she asked the color we all started visualizing her getting into an auto with her grocery. She mentioned about the Christmas goodies like the cakes, bells, golden ribbons, glittering balls, small candy sticks, Santa caps all those things as she told we all actually kept visualizing it.

Make use of technology to give your online teaching its best and the students what they deserve. There are a lot of online teaching techniques and tools that you can make use of in various stages of your online teaching.

With Learnyst, an online teacher can create some best visual blogs using our HTML blog lessons. Where online teachers can create blog lessons with great videos and text and make it visually great HTML.

Make learners go on a sensory voyage and make learning more interesting than ever before by transforming your lesson content.

For more details check the below links.

Create and publish your first Course

Create HTML Blog Lessons

Create a Quiz

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