Social login, Discussion forum and more for your teaching platform
- December 23 2015
- Ranjan
Continuing in our endeavour to make your passion catch feathers, we at Learnyst have brought a lot more new features and improvements that can benefit your online teaching. Here is an insight on some of the major features.
- Social Login
- Discussion forum
- Blog lesson
- Multiple admin
- Mock test percentile scoring
- Numerical Question type
- Quiz leaderboard
Social Login for your Online Teaching Site
Learnyst now enables you to provide The Facebook login for students to signup into your online teaching platform. Choose email signup or facebook signup or even both. Also, add more fields like mobile number, location to your normal email signup.
Step 1: In Admin dashboard go to site builder –>Settings–>Signup Config. Click on Edit.
Step 2: select facebook checkbox and click on next.
Select the fields which you want to include for facebook signup and you can also make them mandatory or non-mandatory as per your requirement.
Enter the Facebook App Id and Facebook App secret and click on Next. To get the Facebook App ID and Facebook App secret key you have to first create a facebook app.
Once you are done with setting all the fields, click on Confirm and your settings get saved successfully. You can preview your school landing page and see that facebook signup shows up as per your settings.
Once you are done confirming your settings get saved successfully. You can see facebook signup on your website preview.
Discussion forum
Discussion forum helps students ask their questions and get clarifications. It helps them to interact with other students or faculty and get a better understanding of the course. Admin can also edit, delete or reply to questions.
HTML Blog Lesson
Create HTML Blogs as your lesson in your course and start adding your blogs as a lesson for students to read. You can add videos, images and free flowing text.
Multiple Admin
Learnyst now enables you to add faculty members to manage courses and students. Just invite your faculty member and assign them courses, rest all Learnyst will take care. Login into admin interface. Follow the below steps to do the same. Please note that this feature is available on Pro Plan and above.
Step 1: Go to drop down list on the top right corner of the admin dashboard and go to your school settings.
Step 2: Select the faculty tab and click on Add Member.
Step 3: Enter the details of the faculty and Click on Confirm.
Step 4: Define permissions for the faculty on a course as well as students by selecting the check boxes. You can assign particular course and it’s student management to particular faculty. You can also see the activity log which helps you keep track of the faculty’s activities. So anyone simply cannot delete the course and escape. You have their activities logged. Just click on Save after assigning permissions.
Mock Test Improvements.
The leaderboard can be displayed on your website and entice your visitors or students to signup and take quiz. The students on the leaderboard are ranked based on score or percentile.
Percentile scoring
Enable percentile scoring for mock tests. Your student can get their percentile score. Useful features for conducting CAT, GATE mock tests.
Numerical Questions
Add numerical answer questions to your quizzes. A must question type
To add a numerical question to your quiz. Click on Numerical button to add to the section.
On clicking numerical question type, in your question builder, you can see the answer text field to enter direct answers. Note: Answers should be in real number. ex: 25.25, -25.05
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