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Online Course Marketing: Promote Your Courses On Quora

  • August 1 2017
  • Ranjan

So you have launched your online teaching institution. You have launched your course. But how do you tell everyone about your awesome courses? Marketing your online course is the most integral part of online teaching. And since you are teaching online, the good idea your courses should be marketed online. “But how do start online course marketing for my online teaching platform?” You ask; “Take advantage of the social media,” we say.

With the increasing reach of the internet, now everyone has access to social media platforms, be it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Quora etc. Now among all these, Quora is one of the best sites out there to market your course material.

How To Leverage Quora

Quora is the largest discussion forum on the internet. This is where you can ask a question about anything under the sun, and people will give answer that. Or, you can decide to answer questions that have been asked by others. So, to use Quora for online course marketing, you have to start by solving people’s problem and telling them about your awesome website where they can find more answers similar to yours. But, since Quora is not a traditional marketing site, you have to keep up with certain guidelines that Quora moderators haveq put into place, but we will come to do that later.

Why Quora Is Useful

Quora has a really good number of visitors coming from all over the world. It is where people seek an answer to their queries. And if you notice the ‘following’ tab, you will know how many more people are waiting for the same answer. There are people who regularly, visit Quora and view all the answers. It is not just for that one day or hour, the answer stays there for a long time. So when you help out a person by answering his/her query, many people view the same answer. So if you can smartly put a link to your website somewhere in there, people will also start visiting your website with similar queries looking for some more help. You can easily convert them to your dedicated learner base.

Setting Up Quora Account

When you open your Quora account or try using your existing account, you have to keep in mind that you should be able to get the questions for all the queries posted on Quora. You can go to your user profile and then edit the “Knows About” section and add subject topics you want to answer. So next time whenever someone asks questions on the similar topic, you will receive a notification. You can either write an answer to that question or you can pass. The more answer views you get and the more upvote you receive the stronger your profile gets.

But…Words of Caution

Before you open your Quora account and start promoting and online course marketing, here are some guidelines you need to follow.

  • Quora is not a marketing tool. So don’t go all out in marketing your course. Answer the student queries with as much detail as possible and then give them your website link where they can find more similar answers.
  • Do not copy paste answers from one question to another to save time. Quora moderators are watching you, and if they see you copy pasting your own answer for two-three different questions, they will tag you as a spammer, with initial punishment being unable to answer for that particular topic, and second degree would be account ban.
  • While you take traffic to your website, you should be giving something to Quora community. And it is as simple and priceless as knowledge. So aim to answer all the queries on Quora itself, enrich the community with knowledge. And people will also love you back by upvotes and Ask 2 Answer, which will, in turn, benefit your business.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and share your subject matter knowledge with the world. Happy teaching. You can visit Learnyst to find many other tools for your online course marketing.

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