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Online Course Marketing: Email Communications Tips

  • July 24 2017
  • Ranjan

Email communications are an important part of modern online course marketing. You have generated leads for your business through the different brand awareness campaigns, and now you want to convert them to your loyal customers. So you collect their email ids and start sending out different emails to them, to keep them engaged. But soon you realize your online course marketing campaign, if not a total failure, is not working how you expected. And after a little inspection, you find out that all your emails are going to the customers’ spam folder, a folder that none of us really check. So something must be not quite right about your plans regarding online course marketing, but what it is?

Listening to the leading industry experts and reading about what they have to say, you can easily understand, that unlike a physical mailing service, emails works a bit differently. Especially when it comes to marketing emails. There are often chances of being flagged as Spam by commercial spam filters. Or someone from your lead might get tired of your constant marketing emails, and hit unsubscribe or marked you as spam.

So what are some guidelines that one might want to follow to send the perfect marketing emails?

Online Course Marketing: Best Practices for Effective Email Communication

The key to running email communications based online course marketing campaign is sound planning. There are different factors that you need to understand before the planning. So for you, we have made a list of things that you need to consider even before you start planning the campaign.

  • Go branded! It’s your business, not Gmail’s or Yahoo’s. When you start your business, ditch your age-old and favorite email id that you opened with personal email id providers like Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc. There are many business email id providers that offer custom email ids for free or a nominal charge.
  • It’s a Match! Not only tinder, your business name, and email id should say this too. Suppose you have a company called ‘Jedi Classes’ but your mail-id reads Now this will create another serious problem for you because the professional spam filter will fail to clear you as not spam. So the ideal email id should reflect the company name in it, like
  • Avoid overkilling with your emails. You have sent your first lot of email communications to leads and customers alike. But soon your emails’ favorite destination became the Spam Folder again.
    “Why?” you may ask. “You overkilled” we would say. Restrict your email communication for marketing purposes to 2-3 emails daily and space that out throughout the day. You can even schedule your emails with some of the email service providers.
  • Fear the ghost, remove the dead email IDs. Well, don’t freak out. It’s not a real ghost parse, but nonetheless, can cause trouble to your business. Not all your leads will be giving you proper email IDs, resulting in dead leads. And if you keep sending email communications to these email IDs, spam filters will flag you as a spam mail sender.

Final Words

Marketing through Email Communications is a beautiful way of attracting more and more leads and converting them to your loyal customer base. A little planning can give you the edge that you need to take the world by storm. So start planning your email campaigns better, and escape the Spam Trappers by following the basic good practices of email marketing. You can check out Learnyst for email marketing tools to market your courses.

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