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Mapping Your Online School Website on Learnyst to GoDaddy Domain

Let me show you step by step, how to do Godaddy Domain Mapping. Once you build your e-learning school website, for example, if you have created a school on Learnyst as myschool.learnyst.com, once you are done with building your website you can later redirect the website front page to to your own domain example mywebsite.com. This…

Let me show you step by step, how to do Godaddy Domain Mapping. Once you build your e-learning school website, for example, if you have created a school on Learnyst as myschool.learnyst.com, once you are done with building your website you can later redirect the website front page to  to your own domain example mywebsite.com. This is called Mapping your online school websitewebsite.


If you are using Godaddy domain for your website, below are the steps to do domain mapping of your school front page on Learnyst to GoDaddy domain service.

Note: You can find these settings in this godaddy support link – https://in.godaddy.com/help/manage-dns-for-your-domain-names-680 (In this link, check “Adding or Editing CNAME Records”)

Please follow below instruction to setup your godaddy account.

Step 1 :  Login to your www.godaddy.com account.

Step 2 : Go to Account –> Quick Links –> Manage My Domains

quick link login

Step 3 : Select example.com domain from Domain list. Click on the dropdown –> Select Manage DNS


Step 4 : Click on Add Record.

add records

Step 5 :  Choose Record Type as CNAME (Alias) in the drop-down list that opens up

cname alias

Step 6:  Fill in the fields with following values below and click on Finish. Save your changes.

                HOST: www

                POINTS TO: dualstack.LearnystM2-1622446966.ap-southeast-1.elb.amazonaws.com


Additional step in case if redirection is for root domain 

To point http://sample.com/example.com to Learnyst hosting do the following steps

Step 1 :  Login to your www.godaddy.com account.

Step 2 : Go to Account –> Quick Links –> Manage My Domains

quick link login

Step 3 : Select example.com domain from Domain list. Click on the dropdown –> Select Manage DNS


Step 4: In Settings, locate Forwarding and click on Domain <Manage>

managedomain (1)

Step 5 :  In popup, select <Update Forwarding>


Step 6 : fill in the details below. 

Forward To:  www.example.com

Redirect Type: 301 (Permanent)

Forward Settings: Forward Only

Don’t modify Update my nameservers settings.


6. Click  on Save

Now you would have done the domain mapping successfully.

Please let us know when you are done with this setting. There is a small setting that we need to do on our server after you have completed this process.

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