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Make your eLearning Website and Courses SEO optimized

  • December 22 2015
  • Ranjan

Learnyst provides you with SEO Optimized landing page for your eLearning website. After you register your domain and choosing a domain name or your website URL having relevant keywords in them helps you to boost your website page ranks.

Also, SEO tags increase your course visibility in google search result. Provide tags which are relevant to your course and school. Assigning a user-friendly URL and course names so that users can remember the course link and relevance of the course URL, helps in search engine optimization for your eLearning website.

Follow the below steps to optimize your e-learning school’s content to be ranked better by the search engines.

How to SEO Optimize Your eLearning Website and Courses

Step 1:  Login to and go to Site Builder–>Settings and click on Title & URL. A Page Title is one of the most important on-page ranking factors and should be treated with utmost care. Your page title tag shows up in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). Search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing use the title tag as the search results’ title for that page.
For example, if you are building a school to teach math then choose a page title which has relevant keyword and site description in it and makes sense to people searching on the internet.

Step 2: Click on Custom Domain is what domain you want your website to point to. There are a number of considerations when selecting a domain name. Among them are making the name short, easy to remember, and easy to type.

custom domain

Save these settings and publish the site.

Step 3 : To make your online school’s Courses Search Engine Optimized go to Admin Dashboard —> Courses —> <Your Course> —> Settings —> Basic Settings.

Choose a user-friendly course name which is easy to remember and brief course description through which students can understand the course offerings better and keep it simple.

course seo

Step 4: Assign a user-friendly URL to your course so that users can remember the course link and can easily identify what it has got to offer. Also, SEO Tags increases your course visibility in search engines so give tags which are relevant to your course and school.

course link

Once done you can Save the settings and publish your course.

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