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Make a Quiz with Math Equations on Learnyst

  • December 15 2015
  • Ranjan

With Learnyst, you can now create most definitive assessments by framing your questions using complex math equations. You simply have to use the latex equations to do the same. You also need not sit and write equations in latex form. Follow simple steps below to add them to your questions.

How to Create a Quiz with Math Equations on Learnyst

Note: First you have to create a test and then add equations to the questions in your test. here is the link to show you How to create a mock test?

Once you have created a test and added a  multiple choice question to it, follow the below step to add equations.

Step 1:  Question builder page is where you create your multiple choice questions. Here to include maths equations in your questions. But it has to be in Latex form. You can simply click on Equation editor to generate latex form equation.


Step 2 : Equation Builder opens up. Now, suppose you want to add the equation below to your test.


to type this into equation builder follow the steps mentioned below. Select the symbol options on the top panel. Let’s select Root Sign. You can select the square root and type inside the dotted area. Similarly, you can choose any symbol and form the desired mathematical equation and below in the text field the latex form of the same equation gets generated.

Step 3: At the bottom there is equation generated in the form of latex equation. Copy the below equation to paste in your Mock test or you can also save it into a text file for later use.

Step 4:  Paste the equation which you copied from equation Editor with a single dollar sign to delimit inline equations and double dollar for blocks. like for example if sqrt { 3 } { x }^{ 2 }+sqrt { 5 } =12 is your equation, delimit it as \(sqrt { 3 } { x }^{ 2 }+sqrt { 5 }\) =12 and paste. Click on Save. You can see the preview of how your actual equation gets displayed in the question you just framed.

So you have successfully added the math equation to your mock test.

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