LMS Administrator: 5 Essential Jobs Roles and Duties
- January 29 2021
- Vaishak

In today’s fast-moving world, everyone expects everything to be done as quickly as possible. The same is the case for businesses. The way to do this is through seamless synergy between interconnected parts of the business.
Thankfully for online tutors and institutes, they can offload a lot of these tasks onto an LMS (Learning Management System). But even then, you cannot let everyone in your institute access everything on your LMS. It will be like letting the finance team have a say in product design. Roles and duties have to be clearly defined to ensure that quality doesn’t take a hit. In this post let us look at the five most essential LMS Administrator job roles and duties.
Duties of LMS Administrator
An LMS administrator is someone who –
- Creates an LMS implementation timeline and also assigns individual tasks by choosing the best team members for each job. He/she must also clarify responsibilities so that everyone knows what they are supposed to do.
- Takes part in developing the actual course content itself by making sure that everyone works well together towards a common goal.
- Can also define user roles based on job responsibilities and performance. For example, which learners and internal users have access to specific course content, or what are the pre-requisites that someone needs before they can unlock certain training modules.
- Must maintain accurate LMS records and analyze data to measure effectiveness.
Although a lot of the reports are automated, the human mind is required to comprehend some LMS metrics and data.
- Is responsible for creating the eLearning content making the final tweaks if necessary. He/she is the final person who will review the content before it goes live online.
- Are also responsible for providing ongoing feedback to the learning and development team to streamline the workflow.
- Must also collaborate with stakeholders from other job roles and make sure that all relevant feedback is implemented.
Looking at the above points, you would have realized that it would be extremely inefficient to try to do everything that an LMS has to offer from one profile. For example, you don’t need access to financial reports if you are assigned to resolving student queries. Clearly defining Admin roles within an LMS limits access to only those features that can help them do their duties. Other features won’t even be visible to them. You can ensure a smooth workflow.
Five essential LMS Administrator Roles
Root Admin
This admin will essentially be your backup/supervisor. What if you have to go somewhere? You can’t just leave out your responsibilities. In such a scenario, you can delegate a big chunk of your duties to the Root Admin. It is an administrative level role that gives access to most of the tasks the main admin can do.
Usually has access to:
Since this Admin role is just one level below the maid admin, he/she can access almost everything.
Usually does not have access to:
- Payment Gateway
- Managing Admin users
- Account deletion
Content Admin
As it says right on the name, this sub-admin role is entrusted with everything related to content. The main duties of this sub-admin role include managing all products, categories, student discussions, reviewing essays, student reviews, question pool, and the newsfeed. He/she may even step in and write whatever content is necessary or request relevant parties for content.
Usually has access to:
Anything related to content. This includes product-level content (quizzes, essays et.) and general content like blogs and general updates.
Usually does not have access to:
- Any marketing features including SMSs, emails, and push notifications.
- Cannot onboard new learners onto the system.
- Any kind of reports including Learner Progress Report, Online assessment Results, and others.
Content Admin +
This role is, in essence, an upgrade to the Content Admin role. The only difference here is the access to all reports and the ability to manage learners.
Usually has access to:
- All-access rights to learner management
- Completely manage products, categories, and learners.
- Reports including those of sales and analytics of assigned products
Usually does not have access to:
- Any marketing features which means that he/she cannot send out SMSs. Email marketing campaigns, push notifications, or any other marketing content.
- He/she cannot access the institute’s website builder.
- Multiple institutes or segments under one LMS account.
What’s the point of creating the best courses if no-one knows that they are out there? Marketing is what makes a great product or service great. You can create a sub-admin on your LMS just for all of your marketing initiatives because you do not want this to get mixed up with the rest of your processes.
Usually has access to:
- All marketing-related tools on the LMS, including Newsfeeds, push notifications, SMSs, coupons, referrals.
- All third-party marketing tools linked to the LMS like MailChimp and Google Analytics.
- The website builder to make all required updates to the website, including updating images, updating website copy, fixing the code, and other backend activities.
Usually does not have access to:
- The core course content including courses, mock tests, test series, quizzes, interactive content, etc.
- Review of questions or gain access to question pools or student pools.
- Any kind of reports related to learners or general analytics
Teaching Assistant
This sub-admin role is very similar to the Content Admin but does not have access to anything related to the product. The main duties are centered around supporting students – answering any queries students may have, review essays/assignments, and resolving support queries.
Has access to:
- All-access rights
- Portals to manage student discussions, review essays & assignments
- Backend panels to manage student reviews and resolve support requests
Does not have access to:
- Anything related to products like the review of courses, mock tests, test series, or bundles.
- Questions pools and student pools.
- Any kind of internal or external reports like time logs, progress and completion rates, user ratings, etc.
Introducing Learnyst
Learnyst is a leader in the online learning and Learning Management System space, with over 25,000 courses launched using our platform. We are committed to delivering the greatest value to our clients. As part of this, we have made all of the above-mentioned admin roles standard in our product.
Further Reading: Manage students using Learnyst LMS
So, what are the next steps?
At Learnyst, we help you with the entire process of course creation to marketing, creating your own branded online academy.
If you already have course content ready, signup with us and get your online academy free for 14 days.
You can create your own branded online academy, upload, sell, and get 100% course sales credited to your bank account during this 14 day trial period.
So, go ahead. Create and Sell Courses online and make 10X revenue within months.
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