Learnyst Offline learning solution
- December 23 2015
- Ranjan
Here is a perspective of how offline learning solution can complement shortfalls of online learning. This blog starts with the benefit of e-learning in general, cons of online learning solution and how offline learning solution can provide cost effective benefit to user segment who face the limitation of being online.
e-learning is electronic learning, and typically this means using a computer to deliver the part or all of a course. With advancement in technology and increasing use of electronic devices like laptops, smartphones and tablets eLearning has gained popularity. Fast paced lifestyle and increasing barriers of time and space has also contributed to the acceptance of e-learning solution. One of the biggest advantages that e-learning offers is the reach and easy accessibility at any time anywhere. This rapid growth in e-learning has exposed some of its shortcomings like- the need for good internet connectivity and security of e-learning content.
Many developing countries around the world have weak and underdeveloped broadband infrastructure which constitute a major drawback to the nationwide adoption of online e-learning services. Another factor affecting e-learning adoption is abysmal broadband internet penetration rate of less than 10% in most of the developing countries like India, Brazil & African countries. Being online is also challenging for frequent travellers as mobile networks are expensive and slow compared to their broadband counterpart. This becomes more challenging when it comes to accessing high-quality multimedia learning content. The user segment falling under this bracket is huge and will largely benefit if they can access e-learning courses without an internet connection.
Let us explore a cost effective feasible offline learning solution to address this problem.
Imagine if students can have all their textbooks / course materials on their laptop/tablet/mobile devices, then they can study at home even without internet connection. Highly engaging course materials in the form of video lessons, PPTs, PDFs and test questions with answers can greatly benefit students in understanding the course concepts. Making these course content accessible without internet on laptop/mobile/tablet devices will provide more flexibility and independence to students.
On the contrary education institutes who own such engaging content will be concerned to share their content offline as it can be easily duplicated and distributed. To solve these problems, Learnyst has developed a secure offline learning solution that benefits both students and education institutes.
So how does offline learning solution work?
It’s quite simple.
- Learnyst encrypts all course content that the institute wants to distribute offline.
- This encrypted course bundle can then be loaded on to pen drive or micro SDCard and distributed to students.
- Students can access course content only through white-labeled learning app provided by Learnyst. This learning app is technically advanced that can read the encrypted content and render it through beautiful, elegant and simple to use integrated learning environment.

Benefits to students
Learnyst provides an integrated learning environment through customized desktop & mobile applications that students can download free of cost from play store.
- Students can track individual lesson completion status & overall course completion progress
- Test results in the form of stats will be shown immediately after taking test
- Seamless access between mobile and desktop apps
- Students can copy partial course content from pen drive to mobile/tablet for easy access
Additional security features for education institutes
Learnyst provides additional security features for institutes who prefer to have more control on their content.
- Unauthorized students cannot access course content event if they get access to encrypted course content
- Encrypted course content will NOT be accessible through any other media players / editors other than Learnyst white labeled Android / desktop app
- Course content will be accessible on only one device per student
- SD card content will be accessible only for restricted time period

Learnyst offline learning solution
Here are some application screen shots from Learnyst offline learning solution for mobile devices.

If you are interested in having this solution for your institute please feel free to reach us at:
+91 9945563021
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