How To Create Subjective Assessment For Your Course?
- April 15 2016
- Ranjan
Some criteria of achievement, such as complex thinking and contextually-sensitive performance, cannot really be measured with validity by objective ratings. Valid assessment of such qualities requires the developed subjective awareness of an experienced professional. Hence the challenge is to make the subjective assessment more reliable.
Learnyst quiz maker provides you the option you just wanted. You can create subjective assessment for your students.
Subjective assessment draws upon the instructor’s professionally developed awareness of quality in academic or other work. This may be essential for assessing with validity, because some outcomes require sensitivity to context and thus cannot be assessed in a fixed way across contexts.
This Learnyst feature release can increase reliability in subjective assessment. When translating your grading policy into specific assessment, you want to ground your subjective judgment in a way that is consistent with your general criteria and also clear enough for students to understand it, perhaps with feedback and chances to apply it themselves.
To create subjective assessment
login to and go to Courses—>Create —> Choosing the course type as Quiz.
Now, in course builder, you can add your subjective type questions to create assessments.
Click on Subjective button to create subjective type question. For these subjective questions you can keep certain criteria and the persentage of marks alloted to the answers satisfying that criteria.
Once you are done with framing the questions you can publish the assessment. This is how students see your subjective types questions. As seen in below image. Students can type in their answers and upload them and submit.
You can start creating subjective assessments. Signup on Learnyst and start selling your courses.
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