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[ Case Study ] 5 Months to 35X Revenue: The Tale of a Dream Run

  • November 10 2017
  • Ranjan

You have heard us claiming that with proper content and the right tool you can generate a huge revenue. But it would be naive of us to think that you will believe us without a pinch of salt. And you should not take anything without a pinch of salt. But what if we present to you a case study of one of our favorite online institutions that made it really, really big?

Yes, you heard us right. This particular online institute joined Learnyst early this year. And within 5 months of their inception, they managed to get 4x learners and a ‘believe-it-or-not’ 35x revenue (than their first month’s learners and revenue). And honestly, that deserves two things, firstly a round of applause, and secondly an in-depth discussion of how you, as an online institution can do the same.

The Case Study

Initial Goal

So the institution in context joined our team back in January 2017 with a few goals in their mind.

  • Start an online teaching website
  • Monetize the content
  • Maximize the revenue

The Problem in Achieving The Goal

Though the goal for this institution was well defined, there were certain problems in achieving the goal. So let us take a look at these pain points for a moment,

Learnyst’s Solution

So as we looked at their needs, the first problem was not really hard to overcome. With Learnyst anyone can launch their fully functioning websites under 30mins, even with little to no technical knowledge.

But the real challenges come after deploying the website, the very first being engaging the learners. While we have stunning courses and the provision to add courses in the different formats to make it more interactive, that’s just one way of engaging the learners. But on Learnyst platform you get many other learner engagement tools. The most important of these are,

  • Newsfeed
  • Push notification
  • Coupon codes

And the institution did just that, with a combination of all the learner engagement tools, they built up a loyal learner base of 15,000 + within a short span of time.

And with Learners tab it is really easy to keep track of your course sells and know about the aborted course purchases. So that the admin of the institution can personally get in touch with the learners who have aborted the purchase and convert them back to the loyal learner base. And also it provides detailed information about the learners, like their contact details, course purchase, etc.

Final Result

So when it came to evaluating the final result, even we were surprised, yes, honestly. So after 5 months of running an online test prep institution, this institution was standing brighter than ever.

So while the first-month course sells was slightly over 1.5L, after 5 months it was a staggering 58L (35X growth)

And the number of learners moved to 15,000 + from the initial 635 heads.


So as you can see from this case study, with proper tools and planning it is not impossible to live your dreams and make it really really big (and by big we mean 35X big). So what are you waiting for? Sign up on Learnyst today and start teaching online and generate more revenue. And share your journey in comments down below.

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